In Pain!

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  • #19210

    im 15 weeks pregnant and getting horrible lower bak pain.
    i just feel a lot of preasure on my bak.
    especially when im laying on it.
    while i was pregnant with my first baby a couple of people told me not to get an epidural cause later on in the future i would suffer from back pain.
    well when i had him i got it anyways.
    is that really wats causing the pain now?
    im not that far along to be getting bak pain!


    I’m also 15 wks as u know w my 3rd and i had horrible back pain the whole time iwas preg w my son and i have it sometimes this time around if i sit wrong or dont have enough support on my back..i take Aleve for the pain and i get migraines as well.


    I feel back pain too. The pain is like my very lower back right by the top of my buttocks. It is crazy uncomfortable and this is my first pregnancy (that I’m keeping) and I’m only about 13-14 wks.

    Another thing, you can take Aleve? I thought we could only take Tylenol?

    I also have pains where my (im guessing) my ovaries and such are. When I move, when I don’t move. Someone told me that this is due to my pelvis and whatever else is in there stretching. Is this true? Do you know? How long does it last?:huh:


    hey im 27 weeks and had back pain when i was in the early stage firstly stop sleeping on ur back u jus gonna make it worse try sleeping on ur side, left side is best… warm baths are heaven or if in the shower allow the shower head to face the point of pain and let the hot water to hit ur back, a massage is great and when u sleep use a pillow and support ur back… all these tricks worked for me i hope they work 4u girls too

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