First off, I had my baby girl! She was born March 13, 2007 and weighed 8lbs7oz!! I named her Kami Linay! Now for the question. My best friend is really scared right now because she thinks she may be pregnant. Her and her boyfriend had sex I guess she said on the 20th… while she was on her period. Now don’t be judging on that because I know many people do that. Well, she has been sick a lot lately, and insists that the condom didn’t slip or break, and that nothing was out of place, but she has been having problems with nausea and her breasts are getting sore. She didn’t even think that she was pregnant until I brought it up and now she is freaking out. When can she take a test to find out if she is… and what test do you girlies recomend for accurate results. Note that I listed her period date above. Please help her, she is my age (17).