Implantation bleeding

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    Someone please help! Okay I am 10 DPO and yesterday I noticed some spotting, brown on toilet paper when I wiped. This monring I woke up and went to the bathroom, noticed red blood, some had even dripped intot he toilet. Could this be implantation bleeding? Yesterday everyone I takled to sdaid yes, but now I don’t know what to think witht he red blood…could it be???:unsure:


    implantation bleeding shouldnt be that much. a lot of the times its not bright but it can be. you should take a test and get into a doctor if you are pregnant. although implantation bleeding is common, it may need to be monitored. if it is implantation, most doctors will tell you not to have sex or do anything that requires a lot of activity until the bleeding subsides. best of luck!


    Let me understand… Are you pregnant? Because, if you are, it is normal have some bleeding at the beggining of preagnancy. But you should go to a doctor and do a image test and a blood test (to see if your B-HCG levels are down…)

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