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    Hey, whats up everyone? My names Alyssa. I’m gonna be 7 months (28 weeks) prego on Halloween. I’m starting my last trimester. For all you mommas out there, HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS GOING TO FEEL LIKE?! i feel like this last trimester is taking forever. 22-25 weeks went so fast and these past 3 weeks have been so slow. I’m getting so anxious. I want my baby! lol I’m sick of having him inside of me. I want to be able to hold him and play with him. LOL i know all mommas prolly get like this πŸ˜›

    Oh and im turning 17 tomorrow on the 27th πŸ™‚ Happy bday me!

    I was in a car accident when i was 6 and messed up my hip. Then i messed it up in my recent car accident again in February. Well, now that there is a baby pushing on it it hurts SO BAD. My fiance has to help me stand and walk sometimes. My OB said that theres nothing i can do. He just wants me to limit my movement. He said instead of walking every night, try walking around the outside of my house a few times like 2 times a week. Other than that an tylonal, what do you think i should do? My pelvis is killing me!

    Ooh yeah, and I’m adapting really well to only being able to use my left arm. I HOPE THE SURGERY WORKS! Theres a 90% chance it wont but i have faith b/c it seems to be getting better on its own a little bit. So i know that the nerves arent dead yet! Wish me luck! i have my surgery exactly one month after my babys born. πŸ˜‰


    Awww you poor thing!
    I remember when i had 11 weeks left and OMG it went so fast!!! i reckon the very last month goes soo slow. I hope your feeling ok and just relax and take it easy. I found that havin a shower or bath worked wonders for the sore back etc


    Wow. Good luck in all you do, your surgery will turn out well if you have faith. I think anyhow. πŸ˜‰ Be sure to me patient, I know it sounds hard, but just try. You can do it!



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