im sooo scaredd need advice quick girls

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    omg today march 29 i had sex with my ex me and him been off and on for 2years already and i think now im actually pregnant i dontknow if i am but i think he precame and im sooo scared plus im only 17 years old n i dunno what to dooo help me girls i need someone to talk 2


    Dominican – I’m Lisa from the Stand Up Girl website. Since today is actually the 29th – I would like to say that pregnancy is not an ‘immediate’ thing. So if you just had sex today, you would probably not know for at least a couple of weeks (i.e., breast tenderness and the signs of pregnancy). Usually a girl will ‘think’ or possibly ‘realize’ she may be pregnant after having missed her cycle. If you feel that you might be pregnant you can go to a website that is actually on our website. Just look to the right of your screen and it says OPTION LINE and you will find an 800# to locate a place near you that may be able to give you a free and confidential pregnancy test. Until that time, I would encourage you that if you truly are fearful my friend, then you might want to consider not having sex with your boyfriend just to alleciate an further possibility of becoming pregnant.

    I hope this helps in some way. Take care.
    Luv Lisa


    well the only advice i can give you for now is to calm down and wait for a missed period then take a test.


    First Calm Down

    Relax I to have been in a similar situation. It is still early and you are right that there is chance of precum. You must now wait to see if you come on also after a week you can get a blood test from your doctor as well. You will be alright no matter what happens. stay strong


    i really dont think that you are pregnant just because i know a whole lot of couples who are having sex but dont usually wear a condom (which is a big NO NO). I mean as long as you know he didnt pull out before his climax i think you will be fine. Thats why you should always use a condom to be extra safe, thats what their there for. How much does this guy care for you if he doesnt take the responsiblity of safe sex and not wanting you to get pregnant. It is a possibility but very unlikley. When you think about it, everyone who has sex on their first time always think their pregnant but maybe you should just make sure for your own peace of mind.


    I know how ya feel, but dont worry about it. just wait for ur missed period.

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