I’m so freaking mad!!! I hate boys!!!!

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  • #19779

    I’m so mad!!! Why?111 Because my boyfriend tells me one thing and then i dont know wat to think anymore!! He tellsme that he wants to get marry with me, that he’s going to get me a house and a car, dat he wishes a baby si bad and blah, blah blah and he has a freaking friend that is so OMG!! i cannot stand him @ all!! He is always with him and he get’s mad when i said that he is a Bit*h!!!OMG!! i just hate them so bad, but @ da same time i Freaking love my boyfriend even thought he doesn’t deserve it!!!!:angry:


    I’m not sure what to do. Maybe tell him not to bring his friend near you coz you dont like him.??


    Insulting his friend may not be the best course of action here…

    Its fine if you dont like him, maybe have a chat to your boyfriend, that you want to see him more, and would like him to spend a bit more time with you and a little less time with his friend.

    As far as the car and house and baby goes, wait, guys are full o empty promises if it means they get in your pants, dont fall for it. Once theres the house, and the car, and the ring, then try for the baby.

    Be firm, yet dont get angry, yelling at him and calling him names wont help anything, if anything it will make things worse.


    This is a good opportunity for you to see the character of your boyfriend. First, do you think your request is unreasonable? If not, explain yourself to him and your desires and how it affects you when he does the particular thing that you don’t like. If he continues to do this, then you must realize that he does not care. If you tell him something hurts or bothers you(and the request is not unreasonable) and he doesn’t change this behavior, he is inconsiderate of your feelings. You will not change him…trust me. Also, if he says one thing and does another,(house and other things you mentioned) well actions speak louder than words. Remember, we teach people how to treat us. If you allow yourself to stay in a relationship where you are not considered, and especially if he is blowing smoke with empty promises and you stay for more, well you are teaching him that regardless of expressing your feelings whatever you say to him and whatever he does, you will stick around for it. And did you mention a baby…I am sure you are much more of an intelligent lady then to consider trying to get pregnant by him right now?? If he is not around much and not putting you first a baby will not change him!
    I hope this helps. I have been there a while back in my life and just hope you realize your worth. I know it is hard, but don’t waste your valuable time on someone who doesn’t care and show his feelings for you.


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