hey i wasnt pregnant, but i had shingles when i was 4 years old. my mom wouldn’t believe it cos mostly it appears in people aged 50+. it kills like crazy and even tho i was that little i can still remember, i remember the dr putting his stethescope (sp? – you know, the heart hearing thing lol) on my back and even that was painful for me and i started crying and my mom would cry cos when she went to give me a hug to make me feel better id start cryin. it seemed to take forever to clear up, but it was probably cos i was so young. i know i didnt eat cos i felt so ill and hurting, but all i can say is make ur self eat for the baby!
hope ur feeling better soon. i dont know if it can affect a pregnancy, but im sure ur dr wud let u know the details, but i can sympathise with the pain, bet its a million times more uncomforatable being pregnant tho!
get well soon an take it easy xxx