I’m scared and Pregnant at 16

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    I have taken 5 tests and doubted that I am pregnant.
    It was just one night that me and my boyfriend had an urge. Just a fling. But that wasn’t what did it. I’m so ashamed. I had sex with another guy at a party. I haven’t told him that it’s not his yet. I can’t do this alone!


    [color=#800080][size=1]Doubted? Do a pregnancy test with a kit. If it’s positive, you have to make the desicion whether you keep it or not.

    But in my opinion, you should. Or else your self-esteem will go down. It will hit rock bottom, feeling bad. E-mail me! ^^[/size][/color]


    Emily, as Filii says, if after taking all those test you still doubt about the results, do it with a kit. In my opinion, you should talk about with the real baby’s father to see wether if his gonna take responsability or what, but also, you should be very honest with your boyfriend, I know that you love him and that you’re afraid to let him down and obviously you don’t want your relationship to end but be honest, if he really loves you, he will support you all the way and be proud of you for being honest to him.

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