im pregnant :) how do i see a doctor without insur

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    i just found out i’m pregnant!!!!!!!!! took an at home test and yep sure enough two lines!! its positive! i’m 22 and me and my boyfriend live togeather we are very excited. only problem is i wont have medical insurance through my job for another 2 or 3 months……and i haven’t even seen a doctor. i don’t make a huge amount of money…..not enough to afford insurance on my own and i’m not sure if i make little enough to be "low income"
    i NEED to see a doctor!!!! anyone know what i should do????


    You might still be able to get Medicaid. You should call your local Department of Human Services office and ask what the income guidelines are. Medicaid is free, but there are also other services (in most states) for people not eligible for Medicaid. These programs are just low cost. These are both available for pregnant moms… Good luck 🙂


    Look into a free clinic till your insurance kicks in.there should be a clinic in your area that does it for free…if not then call your obgyn and explain to them the situation and I’m sure they can help!


    i just recently went the same thing….go to your local health dept. take a test there and when it shows up positive they should give you a temporary insurance paper,then you will need to go to the local DHS office and file for insurance through your state….. you should know in a day or two but from what ive heard they cant turn you away because your will cover your pregnancy, the birth and then the baby until he or she is a year old..

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