I’m pregnant and its a nightmare HELP ME! :'(

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    I just learned a few days ago I was pregnant. I’m so happy. But I told my parents.. Everything turned into a nightmare :'(
    THey have been talking about abortion and talking about my baby as being a “Cancer” inside me that i had to remove because if i didn’t do this, they’d hate me, never talk to me again, and i’d create 2 problems (me and my baby) for the whole family. They tell me they don’t deserve I keep this “cancer” that will ruin our family. They say they love me and tell me i don’t have a choice but to abort.
    My fiance doesnt have a job, and he’s looking. He’s not with me, he’s in the middle east and i’m in europe. He has no more money and is looking for a job. He’s a chef. We’re trying to find a job in Europe but nothing is showing up.
    I’m about 2/3 weeks pregnant i’m not sure. I have to go to the gynecologist tomorrow to get an eco and see if me and the baby are fine..
    I dont have time and i have to make up my mind next week on whether i get an abortion or not.
    My parents are sooo mean to me. THey hate me. They tell me that keeping this baby will ruin my life. They tell me i can’t think of my fiance helping me. They tell me i’m all alone..

    I don’t know what to do!! :'( I don’t have a job, i don’t have money, my fiance isn’t here and i don’t know where or when he will find a job, IF he finds a job.. I have no where to go :'(
    And i dont want to get an abortion..
    Please what should i do?? :'( I’m soooo lost, i’m sooo confused, i dont know what to do? :'(

    Help me :'(


    You have got to do what is right for you..if you dont want an abortion then dont have one it is your choice becuase it is your life..there is help that you can get but it varies depending on where you live. Your parents dont seem very loving if you dont mind me saying if they are being like that. If they are fine with never talknig to you again for brigning their grandchild into the world? In order for you to have a baby you need to be in it 100% and put everything you have into being a mother, if you feel like you can do that and that adoption ad abortion is not an option then keep your baby. Only you know what is right for you, If you decide to keep the baby you need to sit your parents down ad tell them exactly what is going to happen, at the end of the day they are your parents and as parents they should be there for you becuase that is what being a parent is all about no matter how old your child gets you will always be there for them. hope this helps a bit. wish you lots of luck at the Drs too im here if you need to talk some more.


    go here in the phils..
    dont think that u are alone..u have ur baby there inside u expecting that u’ll gonna keep going on.. u said ur bf is in middle east? it’s near here in our country.. if ur both with each other u cn fix anything.. just dont bother those words that can ruin ur hope..dont mind those people.. ur baby is a gift not a cancer or a tumor..it’s life!


    hannah-dring wrote:

    You have got to do what is right for you..if you dont want an abortion then dont have one it is your choice becuase it is your life..there is help that you can get but it varies depending on where you live. Your parents dont seem very loving if you dont mind me saying if they are being like that. If they are fine with never talknig to you again for brigning their grandchild into the world? In order for you to have a baby you need to be in it 100% and put everything you have into being a mother, if you feel like you can do that and that adoption ad abortion is not an option then keep your baby. Only you know what is right for you, If you decide to keep the baby you need to sit your parents down ad tell them exactly what is going to happen, at the end of the day they are your parents and as parents they should be there for you becuase that is what being a parent is all about no matter how old your child gets you will always be there for them. hope this helps a bit. wish you lots of luck at the Drs too im here if you need to talk some more.

    I Agree, thats how your parents get you to give in by tearing you down, mine did the same. But I had to do whats best for me. and now you gotta do whats best for you.!


    you need to make a decision that you won’t regret… right now you are a priority..both you and your baby… I’ve been along the path of abortion.. and raising a child. the abortion was horrific, the pain of giving birth and the troubles of raising a child are nothing compared to the emotional and psychological effect that the abortion had on me. 4years down the line, i still have sleepless nights about the abortion… its a scar that i believe will bleed eternally.

    I’m so sorry that you have to do this without your parent’s support, no one deserves to be alone.. There are people out there, people like myself and all members of StandUpGirl who believe that their purpose in life is to help people, women, mothers…

    Don’t lose your faith… and don’t lose yourself.
    Goodluck and keep in touch

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