Both my boyfriend and I are a little scared, but mainly very very happy. We are going to start telling the family after new years when everyone gets back from holidays, *fingers crossed* that they take the news well.
congrats you can start talking about YOUR baby!!!
You are old enough and seem to have your head screwed on so i dont know why they would be angry at you.
Im 18 very soon, and my boy is almost 20. We have our own appartment, and he makes more than enough money to support us. We are so excited, we have been talking about names already and i’m only 9 weeks!
Nothing wrong with talking about names early! It takes a long time to find one that you are both happy with! I didnt have a name for my daughter until the day after she was born.
Hey everyone, I’m new to this site and am loving it, but I am also scared beyond all reason. I’m 19 years old and in my first year of college. I really want to have this baby, my boyfriend told me he’d support me in anyway he can. Anyone help me?