I’m pregnant

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      I’m 22 years old and just found this site. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years now. Last weekend, I found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. Even though I am old enough now to care for a child, I’m not emotionally or finacially stable. I’m only halfway thru college and though it would be selfish to bring a child in this screwed up world. I told my mother. She is pressing for an abortion. My boyfriend is as well. I really don’t know what to do. I’m so upset and lost. Is there anyone out there that has had an abortion?


        I have never had an abortion and really don’t believe it’s an option. Last year (i was 17) I got pregnant. I was so scared. My parents wanted me to have an abortion and my boyfriend said he would support me, whatever my decision was. I felt like my life was over but the more I looked the more help I found. My doctor was very supportive and gave me numbers to organiztions that would help me. My manager told me that if there was anything we ever needed that we could come to him. Help was all around! Then at about 6 weeks I started bleeding. I was put on complete bed rest. I could only get up to go to the bathroom. At 8 weeks 3 days i was rushed to the hospital for an emergency D&C. I was bleeding really bad and an ultrasound showed his heart stopped beating. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to through. I would wish that on nobody. Having your child die is worst thing that anyone could experience. I couldn’t imgaine actually killing my child.
        Everyone that i know that has had an abortion has regreted it.
        Hope this helps you out aliitle. Good Luck!!


          About 2 years ago i got pregnant, I was 17. My parents told me that abortion was my only option, so thats what i did. Every day i have regretted it. It leaves you with the worst feeling ever and it doesnt seem to go away. It was really hard, and I would never reccomend anyone to do that. If you can not keep the child, consider adoption. There are tons of wonderful couples out there unable to have kids that would love to have yours. I just suggest that you really think it over before you make that decision.


            i love you so much


              dont let anybody force a desion on you if yuou have doubts about an abortion dont do it ive never had one but ive talked to many girls who have and they felt alot of presure and rushed into that desion i was 15 when i got pregnant and i had to drop out of school but then i went to night school and graduated and am now in college its hard but it can be done just cause you have a baby your life changes but its not over. dont rush into your descion take a step back and really think about it good luck


                Hey it’s Jen again. I made a decision and did what I had to do. I decided to go ahead with the abortion procedure. It was the worst experience of my life. Not only was it extremely painful, but the night after, I just cried hysterically. I can’t eat, sleep or think. I really wish that I hadn’t done it, but what’s done it done. I can’t turn back time. I just hope that people can learn from my mistakes. I should have put the baby up for adoption 🙁

                Good luck to all that is expecting. You will be in my prayers.


                  Hi Jen, I’m in the same exact position as you. I’m 22 in college and just found out that I’m pregnant. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a boyfriend, but the guy who got me pregnant said that he would support whatever decision I make. I’m so scared. I really can’t believe that this has happened to me.


                    hey, im sure you will be fine. i just found out that im also pregnant.im 18 years old. i was scared too, but if you talk to someone about it , it will definitaly help. my friends have been lots of help and are makin it easier for me. i have a bf and he is also there for mein whatever decision i make. there is plenty of help out there that can help you out during and after ur pregnancy, im gettin help. good luck with ur pregnancy and im sure you will be fine. 🙂


                      that was so stupid of you ….. you will think about this for the rest of your life i know i was in the same place it sux and i did this 3 years ago i still cry and get sad no one will ever understand……


                        I had an abortion about two years ago and i didnt realize how it would affect me! Dont get an abortion, it is the wrong thing to do!! There are plenty of people out there who are willing to take care of this baby!!!!!!!!!

                        "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has bourne? Though she may forget, I will never forget you!"
                        Isaiah 49:15

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