Im new to this whole thing.

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      Hello my name is Satava,(Suh-Tay-Vuh), i am 15 years old and i am 22 weeks pregnant. i love to meet new people espically people in the same boat as i am. i hide my pregnancy pretty well i only look like im 14-15weeks. i have no clue what im having because i havent been to the doctor because my mother refuses to believe its true even after three pregnancy tests. i am now with my babys dad he used to just be my best friend. their is much more to my story so if you want to know just ask. or if you just want to talk. :cheer:


        hi, firstly i would like to tell you that you NEED to go see a doctors, they need to do all sorts of checks on you and the baby to make sure you are both ok. if you don’t then this pregnancy could potentially be life threatening if something is wrong.


          hei. welcome to the site.

          you seriously need to go to the doctor. its time to grow up. why hide? you are pregnant, you decided to have sex, and you decided to keep it.
          now you have to tell the people about it. if not, go to your pediatriciam, he will send you to the womans doctor if your mother refuses it.
          you MUST start eating the prenatal vitamins, and you need to take care for your baby, that includes you going to the doctor!!

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