im confused

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    Ok so I had my iud removed september 18 2012 and had a heavy period last week I was due for my period again and I think I started but it was a day late and only lasted a day when it usually last 5 days now its a week later and I’m cramping like I’m going to start again and haven’t its been going on for 3 days my breast are sore and have seemed to go up a cup size and my nipples look a little darker to. I am so confused I have had 2 babies and neither one of my pregnancies were llike this please help me. I have also been extremely tired where I want to sleep all the time and off and on dizziness and nausea


    Hey there….They symptoms you have are often associated with pregnancy, it would be a good idea for you to take a test, The best time to test is first thing in the morning with your first urine of the day, You should contact and find a local Pregnancy Help Center near you where you can get FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help, including a pregnancy test…You can also call 1-800-712-HELP….Please come back and let us all know what you find out! Just know that even if you are pregnant, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world, there are so many resources out there today that having a baby and being a busy mom can go pretty smooth for the most part! <3 Meg

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