ok, can some one help me wit this problem. me and my boyfriend had sex on april 22, since then i havent been fellin sick or anything, i been perfectly fine, but it didnt hit me 2 think bout being pregnant till bout tha 28 or 29 of april, i couldve sworn i wuz suppose 2 start my period. but the thing is most gurrls, have symptoms, i aint had any, at all. not bein sick havin cramps, havin 2 go to tha bathroom alot, nothin? but i cant say i dont eat alot cuzz i eat 24/7 ever since i was small. i think i might jus b stressin or somthin. but can somebody answer this question 4 me, if i have sexx feel fine, no symptoms nothin, and i dont come on my period at tha right time, wutz tha cnace im pregnant?