I’m a drugaddict. I’m pregnant — facing time

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    Hi, i’ve read many of your stories and i feel compelled to share mine. I’m now 17 and pregnant…again. I became pregnant my first time when i was 15 and i had a steady boyfriend– i had to get an abortion due to excessive drug use and my mother’s decision. My mom now regrets that decision because she misses my old boyfriend and wishes we could have had that connection to this day. I am now involved with a totally different guy. He’s black–I’m white –We have been in love for over a year. I’m pregnant. I’m still a drug addict. I’m facing charges in court and im hoping they will be dismissed i am also struggling to stay clean. My boyfriend is not an addict- never has been- and struggles to help me every day. I want this baby more than anything–i regret my past abortion and think about it periodically. My boyfriend has no job–i have no job– he’s "poor"..i am not. I come from an middle class family and i have ruined my families lives for the past two years with my addictions. I need advice– good advice i can trust. I’m keeping my baby no matter what…i gotta work hard for this and i know it will pay off in the end–i hope..someone advice?


    I am so happy 4 u that ur keeping ur baby. I hope that this will be what it takes for you to get clean and off ur drugs. Have you thought about rehab? There are alot of facilities that help out girls.


    I’m assuming if your parents are middle class as you put it, they have insurance that will help pay for you to go to rehab. You can also go to Narcotics Anonymous meetings. At first, you might feel like it’s not right for you, but I would suggest you at least sit in on a couple of meetings before you decide. I know a couple of folks it’s helped tremendously. You should also stay away from anyone who doesn’t support your decision to remain clean. Get rid of your friends who refuse to stop using in your presence. You’ll be too tempted, and if they’re your real friends, they’ll keep it away from you. As for having a job, if you’re busy working, you’ll have less time to use drugs. 😉
    Good for you for trying to clean up your life!

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