hello every body,
[color=#FF0000]here’s the scoop…i’m 17(not 18 till april) and i should be having my baby somewhere in may or june. my boyfriend/fiance are really happy about it and so are his parents. my dad on the other hand is letting is bitchy ass girlfriend influence his reactions and stuff concerning me, myboyfriend, our baby and my dad….and its really pissing me off……if it wasn’t for her i believe my dad would also be excited. especially scince i am a senior in high school and i am graduating early…i get out of high school in january. so i won’t even really be showing by that time. but i am so excited, this will be my first baby and i love my boyfriend, we have been together for 2 yrs and 4months, and we have been secretly engaged for almost the whole time…….i am just so sick of my dad’s girlfriend interfering….so my plan is to let my boyfriend, my dad , and one of my friends go to my firts pre-natal(where we find out exactly how far i am, which the appointment is not till nov.6) and i’m NOT gonna let her go or ne thing…….is that mean?…….
i’ll keep everybody posted…….[/color]
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/14 17:41