im 16 n preg

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  • #12465

    hey everyone,
    my bf and i both live in toronto..n in 2 weeks his family is movin to calgary n he really wants me to go..we havent told our parents that im pregnant yet..but this wednesday his dad is comin to toronto from calgary to help pack up n leave..since he bought a house in n my bf r really excited to have a baby..but im juss scared of leavin my family..n i dont know how to tell them..i wudnt even think of gettin an abortion..but im juss REALLY scared ofm my parents reaction n leavin them to go to calgary…lyke i cant picture myself juss leavin ma room n soo confused =(..


    if your parents dont know, its probably best if you tell them before you go, if not things can turn out really bad!


    i just recently moved back to my home town, i moved about an hour away from my family with fiancé for only four months. i was sooo terribly home sick. two months ago my fiancé & i moved back. granted it was very very small town we moved to, that might have been half of my homesickness.


    i think that your parents are going to be shocked as they are jsut finding out that you are preg and then they have to deal with the fact that you are also moving. you will have to xpect them to be upset, but you have to do what is best for you and your new family, if you are happy with moving your family should be happy wth you. hope that helps, jsut go with your gut and everything will follow


    Hello! I would tell someone, your mom- someone- that you are pregnant, and before any move… Best wishes/luck!



    You should really tell your parents sweetie. Sometimes we think our parents are going to over react to the things we do. But they really dont. I think its important that you tell them. It might make you feel better. They might be just as happy as u & your BF are about your baby. It will be okay…you just need to tell them. That type of stuff you cant reall keep from your parents…especially when your little bump starts showing 🙂



    i think that you have more important things to think about then your room.
    you are gonna have plenty of "rooms" in your life time.
    its hard to leave your family but i did it and i am thankful i did every single day. you have a baby that needs you right now.

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