I’m 16 and pretty sure I am Pregnant.

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      Okay so here it is.
      I am 16 years old and very responsable and dedicated. I’m only a sophmore in highschool and i’m already in college. I am on the pill and am very good about taking it. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. This past month I messsed up on my pill I dont know what happened but I took the alst week of the pills as the first week. I didn’t notice it till my period was late. Then I looked at the package and realized what I had done. My period is almost two weeks late now.

      The pills being taken different could have stopped my period this month I know. And my boyfriend and I only had sex twice last month. I took a $1 test on Monday. It was negative but it was still early. I plan to take a First Response test next week. Myboyfriend will raise it and has a good job. But he thinks it will ruin my future that i have pushed so hard for. My parents will not understand I am afraid. That’s my biggest fear. They treat me like a child when it comes to this stuff when clearly I am not. I am a high shcool student and a college student. I have a job. I have practically raised myself. But still my boyfriend is really scared they will push us apart instead of telling him to own up.


        Heya :]

        I’ve messed up on the pill before and I’ve missed a period before I figured out what I had done wrong and by the next month it was completely normal. But of course you had already figured out that is what you could have done as well..but there is the possibility that you could be pregnant too. It doesn’t matter that you only had sex twice last month, it can only take one time before you become pregnant.

        You said that you were going to take another test in a week…Have you taken it?


          hun if you think your pregnant you should go to the doctors to get checked out. if you are your parents will most likely get mad theres no avoidng that but in time they will calm down and they will give you there support.

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