im 15 and im scared i might be pregnant

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    im scared, we used protection and everyting but we’re scared it didnt work.
    im getting some of the symptoms but i think it might just be in my head.. i duno anymore… how do you tell without going to a doctor? o god i cant be pregnant, my parents and his parents would kill us. im desperate. it’s been two weeks now and my period usually comes around this time. but i havent got it yet too.


    Many of the symptoms of your period are also symptoms of early pregnancy, so someitmes it is hard to tell sfrom symptoms alone. There could be other factors, including stress delaying your period. If it has been more than two weeks, and your period is late I would take a home pregnancy test. I understand how stressed you feel. Take a test to find out for sure. If it is positive, don’t panic and have an abortion out of fear of telling your parents. They will probably be upset at first but I bet they will be more supportive of you than you might think. Good luck.


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