im 14 and i think im pregnant

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    hi my name is brittany and my period is 3 months late and im pretty sure im pregnant and i dont no what to do.



    If your period is 3 months late there is a good chance that you could be pregnant. Have you taken a test? You should take a test to find out for sure. Even if it is negative you might consider seeing a doctor to have yourself checked out and to find out why your period hasn’t come. If you are pregnant it is important to get prenatal care through pregnancy, so the sooner you find out and see a doctor the better it will be for both you and the baby. Have you told the father or your family that you suspect you might be pregnant? Best Wishes.



    I think the only advice that can be given is that you should go and buy a pregnancy test. There is no way of finding out whether or not your pregnant unless you take a pregnancy test or a blood test. If you aren’t able to get ahold of a pregnancy test, you should go to your doctor. They give free pregnancy tests. It’s very important that you do that because you’ll need to be checked on regularly by a doctor or midwife to see how the baby is coming along.
    Keep your chin up and your head higher!
    Good luck, let us know what happens.


    I think the first thing you need to do is find out for sure either by a home test or by visiting the Dr. You really need to do this ASAP cos the earlier you do it you better it is in regards to finding out your options and things. Can you not talk to your Mum or a sister? Maybe a good friend? I think you need to get some advice. Dont go thru it alone.
    Good Luck Darling.


    Wow hun 3 months late? Why did you wait so long before you got tested??? You should go to your doc and ask for a test and find out for sure. I hope your happy with whatever the results are!

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2005/10/22 13:31


    i’m with everyone else on this i really think you should go make a doctors apointment as soon as possible. because if you are pregnant you are about to be in the second trimester. I hope you stay healthy and no matter the outcome you make the best decisions not selfish ones.

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