My last period was on the 24th of July. My next period was supposed to come on the 26th. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex(withdrawal method) on Aug. 7th and the 11th, which was the day I should have ovulated. I didnt have a period at all in August, but on the 20th I noticed a VERY small blood spot in my panties. It is now September 8th and I’m offically 13 days late. I took a HPT on the 31st but it was negative. I am lightheaded, dizzy, faint, headaches, my stomach feels like it’s about to explode it’s so tight, and it’s very sore. I feel like threres a ball or something in my lower abdomen, and my belly button feels like someone stuck their finger in it sometimes. My breasts are terribly sore, and they seem to be harder. I also have HORRID trapped gas! Could somebody please give me there input on this?