if ur thinking about abortion read this first

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    well i had an abortion 3 weeks ago and it kills me everyday.
    I now suffer from depression and its hard.

    I wish i could turn back time and kept my baby but i listened to my boyfriend and he got his way,(still with him to this day)

    Please girls think before you have abortion its not a very good feeling i just wish i found this website 3 weeks earlier it would’ve helped me much better before i made my unthinkable choice.

    Think about the aftermath
    you mite not be able to fall pregnant again after it
    get an infection
    they dont take the whole remains out of the cervix
    you could get depression

    please girls think about it before you make that choice.

    If anyone really needs to talk to me please email me and ill be really happy if spoke to anyone before they make their chioce

    love and peace
    lisa xxxx


    I’m so sorry this has been such a difficult consquence for you. Does your bf understand how traumatized you are?

    Please console yourself by knowing that maybe your expereice will save someone else from the same pain.


    i feel exactly the same lisa, i went though with my abortion, only because of my boyfriend, he gulit tripped me and made me feel awful if i kept it!when i found out i was preg i told no1 not even my mum or dad, my bf was the only 1 he knew, 2days after the abortion he finished me.im suffering from depression, and all i think about is, what if!


    Dear Lisa,
    Hello, and how are you doing today? I am sorry to hear that you’r boyfriend pressured you into getting an Abortion. I feel for you, though, I’ve never experienced an Abortion. I’d love to talk to you and maybe you could help me out a bit on a project- if it is TOO hard, please do not accept. Please smile, there are many more days ahead- God will only give you as much as you can handle, or so my mom says. And, NO we do not do the "whole" God thing, and church, but she does say that… I am not sure if I personally believe it or not- but I am replying it onto you… Smile. It will be ok.



    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/06 15:52

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