if it changes your life let it

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      hey everyone, so basically everything is coming crashing down when it was getting so good!

      so if ive chatted with you before, you may know that i was living with my (ex)boyfriend. then i left him blah blah. Now im with a new guy and he is so amazing. i cant even begin to explain to you how good he is to me. im falling so hardcore for him.
      anyways, inbetween these boyfriends i had a little fling. We had sex and now my period is late.
      I took a morning after pill on the 5th of this month (because me and my new boyfriend had unprotected sex) so im thinking maybe my period is late because of that. I should of had my period on the 10th if my cycles are still going normal.

      this is what i read about the morning after pill:
      Women using the morning-after pill may experience a change in their next period. It may come early, on time, or be late. Most women will get their period 7 to 9 days after treatment.

      its been 9 days since ive taken the pill and no period.
      and there is so many others things that would be wrong if i were to be pregnant. its all going to crazy.
      I have no idea if i am or not, i dont think i have any symptoms but i could be in denial. my boyfriend pointed out that my boobs were getting bigger before i even noticed anything and they are sore.
      crap i reallllllyyyy cant be pregnant right now.


        Could possibly be a stuff up of your cycle due to the pill or you could be pregnant so grab a test just to be sure and wait for your period and if still nothing along with a neg test keep testing til u see a period if ya get what i mean

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