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  • #24782

    My last period was on the 2nd of April. But the month before that it was on the 9th. And before that around the 7th. So i cant really tell when i ovulate or anything. So i’m just wondering if we had unprotected sex 3 times the 10th of april. twice the 12th. si there a chance i could be pregnant?


    Hello mee,
    It seems to me that you had unprotected sex very near your time of ovulation. There is no sure way of knowing unless you go get a blood test done at the doctor when your period is late by about 5 days.

    There is always a chance that you can become pregnant when having sex. Even with protection!! Birth Control fails more times than not. The only form of birth control that is 100% safe and effective is ABSTINENCE.



    Unfortunately the only way to tell is to go and get a blood test done in about three weeks or so.


    wait a few days id say and if you really find out go see a doctor. you will know for sure. have unprotected sex even if you are on the pill can still get you pregnant. when u have sex not only are you risking pregnancy but also all those stds and i know its not something you wanna hear, or ur saying you know all this. i was on the pill and didnt make my bf use a condom, i didnt only get pregnant but i also got an std. thankfully it was one that with some antibiotics will go away and wouldnt harm the baby. so when u go n get a pregnancy test go get checked for stds as well.. i wish you the best and you have us all here at SUG if you need to talk dnt be afriad

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