I would like to know what to do!

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    Hi there all, im turning 20 in 2 weeks, but for the last 2 months i have been leaking and i would like to know is this a sign or is there something wrong?
    Please help me, me and my husband has been trying quite some tome now and well i just want to know am i pregnant because i have breast milk.


    In most women breast milk does not come in until the baby is out!! in my 4th month of pregnancy with my daughter I got colosterum…it is thick yellowish orange liquid….I dont know if that is what you are leaking or not…have you missed your period???? Some men lactate and we all know that they are incapable of becoming pregnant…..are you on birth controll or something that would mess with your hormones….have you been pregnant before???You should talk to a doctor and clarify some of these things to make sure that if you are preg you can start taking the best care of your body adn your baby…..and also to make sure your health is fine for when you do conceive…..Let us all know…ok…Meg


    Well, I didn’t leak ANYTHING with my first pregnancy but this one, I am about 5 months and I am leaking clear liquid looking stuff. My doctor said this was normal and nothing to worry about. All I can say is declare it with your doctor before you tell your husband it is ok.


    I was actually on an antipsychotic that made me lactate!!!! And it was ALOT. If you’re on any meds I would go to walgreens or something and look up the RARE side effects. If you think you might be pregnant get a test while your at the drug store. Or either way you could make a doctors appointment.


    have u taken a pregnancy test? when was ur period due? pregnancy test is the best way to find out, they sell cheap ones for like 10 dollars, (when i was pregnant wit my 2nd son i couldn’t believe it and i took 3 pregnancy tests and one of them literally cost me $1 at the $0.99 store and it actually worked!!!)


    i was on rispodol or something that sounded like that for a while and that was one of the side effects, some medication have that problem, and men leak if they take them too, but water. I agree with meg, You should get a blood test to check ur thyroid and hormones. Remember that it is very common for a couple to try to concieve for 12 months and not get any results. Good luck

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