I wonder…

  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I’m beginning to think I’m pregnant…I had no symptoms with my son so I’m not sure. I’m not expecting my period until the 13th so I know it’s early. I have just suddenly been feeling more tired then ever. Like I can’t even complete a household task without having to take a break and it’s very hard for me o get out of bed in the morning. I just feel like I haven’t slept at all even though I’ve had 10 hrs of sleep. Also I have been peeing alot more often, but I thought that symptom didn’t show up this early. I have been running a low-grade fever (99.0 ish) for the past 5 days but I don’t have a cold or anything. I just don’t know. I haven’t felt this tired in along time…I keep hoping I’m just coming down with something but I have yet to get sick.I had a backache 2 days ago and Last night I had very strong abdominal cramps that kept me awake. Like I said I am still a week away from my period so I know it’s not PMS. Anyone experience something similiar?


    im experiencing something similar but im not sure if im pregnant or not. like im always exhausted ( makes chasing a 2 year old really hard) the only thing im not experiencing is the cramping. im taking a test in a few days so ill let you know what i find out.


    When I became pregnant with my son I had pretty much the same symptoms as you…I would stay home at night and just sleep..because I was always so tired, and I could never do nething cuz it would just wear me out a lot!! N i began to pee a lot more often than usual..n everyone told me that was supposed to be later on, but it started for me very early on! Hope that helps ya out! Good LucK!


    Hi there, i am also experiencing very simular symptoms. I have been getting really bad heartburn and abdominal cramps. I feel tired all the time too. My period is due on the 10thand i have been feeling like this for about a week, so i will be taking a test on sunday i think. If i am pregnant i din’t realise you felt all these things soooo early!


    it sounds like to me that u have some sort of infection…….if i were you i would go talk to your dr.


    No… it’s not an infection…. it sounds like alot of girls have gone through or are going through something similar. I’ve been under alot of stress lately so it could just be that. I just wanted to know if anyone had experienced these specific syptoms when they were pregnant because I had NO symptoms with my son and that pregnancy causght me completely by surprise. Ha ha. Guess i will just play the waiting game for a couple more days and see how it goes. Best of luck to my feelow ladies who are in the same situation 😉


    Ok nevermind, I took a test and it is positive. So I’m pregnant with #2….


    congratulations….. Hope everything goes well for you, i shall let you know how my test goes on sunday!!!! I got married last september!! You could wait unil the baby is born and have an extra bridesmaid or page boy!!!! Best of luck….. Jenna xx


    awwww CONGRATS!

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