i wihs

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  • #17702
    princess Angela

    i wish so badly i had the guts u had to say no and keep mine…. i regret it everday of my life and dunno wat to do im fallin and there is no one who can help me.


    Unfortunately 🙁 I know exactly how you feel. I didnt have the guts to say no either and I regret it to this day. I don’t know of anyway to "get over it" but prayer has helped along with a supportive and loving boyfriend by my side. I dont have any friends who can relate so If you need someone to talk too I’m hear to listen. Pls feel free to email me.


    I just want to give you a big massive hug!
    You must be going through so much heartache right now! I know there’s other sites out there for people who are going what you’re going through with abortion….I just don’t know what they’re called but I’m sure if you google something should come back…

    princess Angela

    Thanks everyone here is really supportive…..i love it here didnt relise how much i needed you guys until i came back on the other day had’nt been on here in a long time as it was hard with all these pregnant women enjoyin there pregnancy and knowin i killed mine.

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