i want to be pregnant, but why is it so hard?

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    hello, my name is nicole.i have been with my now fiance for almost 3 years,we have been trying for a baby for almost 2 1/2 years now, ever since i was 16 1/2. And nothing has happend so far, i had one miscarriage, but that was back in ’07. I’m really starting to feel like i am doing something wrong, or that there is somethign wrong with me, you know, in the reproductive sense. But i haven’t had a normal period since about february, and in march and now april, it has just been like blood that is really light in color and the flow is just like i had scraped myself or soemthing.I’m sorry if that is too graphic, but i asked the question peole on many pregnancy sites what i should do, and they all told me to take a pregnancy test and find out if it’s pregnancy and if not, then i need to go to the doctors to get checked for std’s and reproductive health. I’m not sure what to do, but if anyone has any ideas on what this could be, please reply and i’ll tell you the rest of the symptoms, including hip pain, stomach pains, and thigh pain. I really hope that i do not have cancer or something.thank you:(


    I think you should definitely go get checked for an STD or something. It’s possible that you have had an STD for as long as you’ve been trying for a baby and it has ruined your reproductive system….I would go get checked! If you are don’t have anything wrong you might not be getting pregnant because you are stressing so much.


    I totally agree with highdefinitionlove. GO get checked out


    i totally agree with high definition love 2 it sounds like you really need to go get checked out.


    i think the best thing to do would be to get checked out by a doctor because all the symptoms you listed seemed pretty funky for any std i know about.

    but the pain might just be from all the trying you might be doing. and the wackiness with your period could just be from a lot of stress to get pregnant.

    so, if you can’t see a doctor right away, take it easy and relax until you do. (:

    i wish you the best of luck!

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