i think im pregnant! tell me what u think please!

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    [b][i]hya everyone x i had sex with my boyfriend on monday 12th without protection and i think i might be pregnant x
    according to my cycle i was in my most fertile time monday-wednesday x ive started feeling sick, getting frequent
    headaches and abdominal pains, im also really hot all the time x please tell me what you think x thanks x sophie x 🙂 :([/b][/i]:ohmy:


    March 12th? It would be almost impossible to feel ANYTHING at all, but if thats your most fertile then it would mean you have another week before your period, so until then dont worry about it. Whats done is done, if youre not trying for a baby, then use protection next time around, thats all. Stress may further delay your period so relax. Good luck


    If indeed you did have sex on your most fertile day and you did concieve you are probably still in the process of conception….I think it takes like 2 weeks….just wait and take a test…Meg


    hi there,

    If you had sex this month on the 12th, i dont think that you can start to feel the pregnancy symptions just yet. It usually takes up a while after you have missed your period.

    Just wait till u missed your period and if you do take a pregancy test.

    Good luck


    Well all i can say is yes it does sound like ur pregnant u have common signs of pergnancy, bu the onlly way 2 b sure is to take a test. . . I wish u the best of luck xxxxx


    Hey girl, I know exactly how you must be feeling, I was there too. Normally with most girls it doesn’t kick in that soon, the sickness starts later on. Just wait up untiil you are suppoused to start your period. Good luck! If you are pregnant I hope you keep your baby, killing an unborn child is the worst thing anyone could ever do! Keep your head up high! Sarah

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