i think im pregnant please give me some advice

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    My period is 4weeks late, and i have done a pregnancy test but it was negative.
    About 2weeks ago one morning i had i little bit of blood but that was it. im comfused. any suggestions or comments


    hmmm maybe you should go to the dr’s. when did u last take a pregnancy test? cos if it was not long ago it sud def have showed up positive. but if u took it near when u missed ur period it can be false.

    how old are you? cos another possiblity is that ur period might not be settled yet.

    good luck xxx


    im 18 but i started my periods when i was 15 so they have settled, my periods are always regular but im just confused. i have got spina bifida so my bladder and kindneys dont work as good as they should and my urine is quite strong spo i thought maybe as its so strong its not picking up the hormones like it should, i was going to make an appointment with the doctors to maybe have a blood test i was just getting a womans opinion, thanks for your reply its very much appriciated. any other suggestions please write back im most gratefull:) x


    hey umm you took the test at a stage where pregnancy can and cannot be picked up (depending on the sensitivity of the test) get another test done a lil later or go see ur doc

    hope u get the outcome u want xx


    hey my friend did the same thing she didnt start for two months and her tests kept coming up negative, well she went to the doctor and the doctor said she hadnt started because she had a cyst on her ovaries and it should work itself out…well it didnt and now they are testing to see if its a tumor….so if you dont start or keep getting a negative definatly go see a doctor!


    yeah your best bet is to just go to the doctor and get it figured out there..Good luck!


    i would say def go to doc n get a check up cause the home preg tests dont work for everyone we are all diff. do you ahve preg systoms??


    well my stomach feels a bit hard in places and im wanting to pee alot, im not being sick in the mornings but i do feel sick. my breasts are a bit sensetive too. and i have got bad heartburn…oh and im really confused:)


    sometimes home tests dont work for everyone so i think def go to doc n get checkedn if your not preg they can fig out whats up n go from there. good luck!!

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