i think i’m pregnant, but the tests say no

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    hello, i wrote a blog last week.i am very confused…i went to the women’s clinic after being 15 days late and the pregnancy test came back neg.so they gave me b.c. that i’m supposed to start on sunday.well i still haven’t started and i am having all the same pregnancy symptoms…i don’t know if i should take the b.c. or if i should wait and see if i do start.But i don’t wanna hurt the baby if i am pregnant, and i just really think i am because i have white fluid coming out of my nipples still.Please tell me all of your symptoms and things like that.And if you’ve ever been in this situation, please tell me how it ended!thank you…nlowe:unsure:


    well nlowe, I was recently having the same problem that you are experiencing. The last time I saw my period was April 24, 2007. By the 1st week of June I still had not seen my period. I took about a dozen over the counter pregnancy tests that kept coming out negative. I was very confused because I was having all the pregnancy symptoms. By the end of June my period still was not here! I figured something was wrong with me, I thought I had tumors or something. So on July 10th I schedule an appointment and found out I was 7 weeks pregnant through an ultrasound! So just be patient and DO NOT take that bc! give it to the end of August and see what happens. GOOD LUCK!


    Hey there…did they give you a blood test or a urine test??? if your hormones are not elevated enough then it wont show on a test…I even had a blood test at like 3-4 weeks with my first that showed negative…two weeks later it showed positive in a urine test and I was 5-6 weeks along….as for starting the birth control..NO is my suggestion….even if you are not pregnant birth control is not the answer unless you are married…I have walked a very rough road that has led me to feel very strongly towards abstinence until marriage…I sometimes wonder if I would "feel better about who I am" if I had waited until marriage to lose my virginity….I lost it at 13 and continued down the road of sex and hearth break and eventually had two kids from two dads and no support…when I was pregnant with my second I chose abstinence…I made a commitment to wait until I was married to have sex again…3 1/2 years went by before that happened on my wedding night…it was so worth the wait….I was in the process of changing my life around but I hadn’t gotten to the sleeping around part yet…I didn’t think it was "that bad"..after all I wasn’t a virgin anymore and I had even had a kid…that earned me the right to chose to have sex if I wanted to right?? I mean I was an adult I had my own home..I had everything going on…a good job..3 actually..I needed them with raising my daughter on my own…so I went to get on birth control because I was going to be smart and have "safe sex"…well I had my appointment and the lady asked if I had had unprotected sex in the last 72 hours and I said yes so she gave me some pills and I asked what they were…the morning after pill…I told her that if I was pregnant that I needed to embrace my child and deal with the consequences of my irresponsible actions and NO THANKS….she gave me my 3 packs of birth control and told me to start them the first Sunday after my period started…well it never started….I was pregnant…I am so thankful that I never started my period, I am so thankful that I didn’t take those pills….had I then I would have taken my birth control and continued to have "care free" sex…I would have continued to live a life of feeling used, a life of feeling worthless when the guy would get up and leave and never come back, a life of feeling unwanted because no one wanted to marry me but they still wanted sex…..when I found out I was pregnant with my second and I made the choice for abstinence I was FREE….I have so much more confidence in my self and the choices I make now..I have set an example in front of my daughter that marriage needs to come before sex…she never once saw my husband at the house when she woke up in the morning and he would normally leave before she went to bed…we made sure that we didn’t confuse her in that way….we wanted her to remember when she was older that we waited…I wrote a post in the wanting to be pregnant forum called just some thoughts…I made some comments about the little song that used be sung on the playground when a boy and girl were too close together….first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage…..it is not like that anymore in the world…there is a huge chance that you could be pregnant and if you are then you can still choose abstinence…you can find that second chance, that second "virginity" like I did….I found love, I found marriage, and as of November we are going to try for that baby to go in the carriage….I am so glad that I get a second chance to do it the "right way"…..you can too….just don’ t take those pills…whether you are pregnant or not….please….also birth control pills will not protect you form STD’s or AIDS….God was gracious enough to give me children for my reprocussions of sex before marriage rather than AIDS when that is what I deserved…I hope that you end choosing abstinence before you find yourself with children or AIDS….please let me know what you decide and if and wehn you find out if you are pregnant….Love Meg


    i didnt show up on a pregnancy test for a good while the doctors were convined i wasnt pregnant but i took a bloodt test and they found high levels of HCG soo im pregnant i had the scan and the baby is fyn with a ncie strong heartbeat. Im stil not showing up on urine tests now even though i have seen the baby on ultrasound so i would go to dcotrs and get yourself a blood tests it is the only way to nkow for sure.
    lots of love hannah


    hey guys…it’s me again.and i started today but still no change in symptoms and i still have the nipple and boon vein thing going on…what to do?please help!

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