HI everyone…please those of you who have had smiliar experience or knowledge of this reply!! Thanks. Okay I had sex once feb.5th without a condom and am not on birth control and he pulled out. However around the time of my perios i got all PMS syptoms but it didn’t come and I though oh crap…but it came 4-7 days late then the usual time. This period was light to heavy to heavy to light. it lasted five days. My usual clockwork perios last 3 days always!!! Anyway. I still feel weird!!! Headaches, cramping pain in my pelvic which is sensitive to touch, I have like bumps around my nipple (this is the biggest sign to me) , girls keep saying their boobs got rock hard..mine are way soft tender dark nipples and feel a lil heavy….I’ve been getting a lil more tired than usual. I took two freakin test last week both negative….What the heck? I don’t diswelcome a child but i could wait, ya know? Anything appreciate. Oh my mom had her period with my sister…..