I think I might be pregnant..

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    I’m almost four weeks late. I’ve had some breast tenderness, my stomach has been hurting a lot lately, i’m tired a lot and I urinate a lot. I’ve taking to home pregnancy tests and no lines have showed up, not a control line or anything. I used and ept too. I haven’t had the chance to see a doctor. My boyfriend keeps yelling at me telling me I have to find out. He’s really stressing me out and I dont know what to do anymore.


    The first time I took an ept test (I bought a pack with two tests in the same pack). The test was supposed to show a plus for positive and a line for negative, the test just had one line so I thought it was negative. (Although I was confused because I was pretty sure from symptoms that I was pregnant.). I still had not started my period a week later so I decided to take the other test in the pack. The result was exactly the same. However, this time I looked at the box and realized that my test did not match either the picture for posiive (a plus) or for negative (a horizontal line), what I had was a vertical line. I was very confused. I asked my husband what that meant and he said it meant we should buy another brand of pregnancy test! I bought a FirstResponse test (with two tests). Both tests showed two pink lines almost immediately – pregnant! After my experience with broken ept tests I would try another brand. However perhaps you are not pregnant and there are other reasons for your symptoms. Perhaps it would be best to set up an appointment with your doctor to get checked out and to find out more answers. Good luck.




    I hope I didn’t offend you with my advice – if I did I wasn’t meaning to!!! I just thought I’d share my experience. I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend left you. Perhaps he just needs some time to process things. I’m sure this must be pretty overwhelming for both of you right now. Or perhaps he might not come around. Either way it is not your fault and you shouldn’t blame yourself. Dealing with an unexpected pregnancy is tough enough without having to deal with the emotional turmoil of a breakup at the time you would need the support of your partner the most. Hopefully you will have a strong support system of family and friends to help you with your pregnancy. If you do need to talk or want advice I’m here. Otherwise I’ll leave you alone. Best wishes.



    Thanks for the advice it’s very much appreciated. He still hasn’t talked to me and I don’t know what’s going on. I know I can do it with out him, I just want him to be in his child’s life. I know honestly he does too. He’s just scared. I hope he’ll come together.

    Thanks again!

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