i have a very strong feeling that i am preganant me and my boyfriend have been having sex like everyday last month i got my period on 6/2 and it lasted about 6 days and than on tha 6/30 i started spotting and it lasted for 3 days it was very light and pink im tired more my breast are sore on 7/12 i took a pt n it came back neg n im always hungry tha doc told me im probably becoming pregnant im also having mild cramps here and there plz reply
Sorry But i Beg To Differ You Can Beome Pregnant You Dot Just Have Sex And Then BOOM Theres A Baby It Actuali Takes 3 Days For The Sperm Too Wait For And Find An Egg The A Futher 3 Too Fertalize And Then 3-6 Days For It Too Iplant n The Womb Properly So Yes I Think Your Mostlikley Becoming Pregnant x
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