I am 15 years old from England and nearly two weeks ago I had ‘dry’ sex with my boyfriend on several occassions. He always had his underwear on.
Two weeks on, I am 8 days late for my period and I feel extremely ill.
I have:
Enlarged breasts,
Lateness of period,
Lower back ache,
I had spotting this morning. No period but two blood lines in my underwear.
They are my main symptoms.
Would you say I was pregnant? I shall take a test tomorrow.
This is my worst nightmare. School does not teach you about the consequences of ‘dry’ sex. I did not know sperm could travel through thin clothing. My relationship will change with my Mum if I am. This is a huge mess.
Please reply to me.
Post edited by: Julie, at: 2005/12/20 01:39