I still haven’t started…..

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    I’m almost two 1/2 months late on my period….. and I’m still having the same symtoms…… (feeling nauseous, dizzy, REALLY tired, food cravings.) I haven’t had any cramps…. I took 2 HPTs 2 weeks ago and they were both neg. I tried to see my doctor, but i can’t be seen for another a month. I’m really scared that something is wrong. I’m going to take another hpt friday….. but if it come back neg. i thing that i will cry! 🙁 If anyone has any advice or has expected the same thing, please help me out. (Oh, and I’ve started taking prenatal vitamins, just to be on the safe side.) Any advice would really help.


    You should go to a pregnancy resource center…they have free tests and some even have ultra-sound machinery….if you are late enough they will give you an ultra-sound if your test keeps coming up negative….have you talked to your mom….she might be able to help???


    Hey.. try not to worry to much .. it wasnt until 2 weeks after my period was late that i had a clear positive.. id wait a few days and take it again .. make sure its a good one .. and try to see your doctor as sooon as possible!
    good luck!<33


    Well you absolutely need to find another doctor if they still cannot see you. I thought you were supposed to get an appointment for this month? It is weird and not a good sign if they have to make your appointment almost 2 months after you first became concerned. Please go to a clinic (they usually take walk-ins) and explain your concern or find another doctor that takes your insurance. I think this is becoming a thing of major concern and if you are pregnant you need prenatal care.


    hi my name is wendy and i am 42yrs old and i am experiencing the same problems


    if ur that late hun ur prolly preg…so u need to get to ur doc, it’s good that u’ve been taking prenatals but seeing ur doc is even more important right now…..


    hey I know what you mean my doctor is so laxidasical, she says things them doesn’t put it into the charts..I seem to have the worst luck with things..I use to have an awesome DR. but she isn’t inmy coverage!!! If i asked for a test she’d give…this one is alllike blah blah blah! So hun, just do what you gotta do call the crisis pregnancy hotline thay can direct you okay!


    Thats CRAZY that your doctor can’t get you in for another month!!! Is this how they’d treat you if you were (for sure) preg!? Personally I’d find another Doc. But in the mean time I agree that you should find a place like a resource center or something. You might even be able to go to the county health department. You might even be able to go to a general practionor (spl?) and atleast get a blood test, or atleast get some information. To me it sounds like you might deff. be expecting, DEFFINATLY a good idea on those vitamins! 🙂

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