I started after 3 months of not having a period :(

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    I didn’t have a period for 3 months…… and I had a so many signs of pregnancy. I FINALLY got to see a doctor when I was over 2 and a half months late. They gave a pregnancy test and it came back negative…. she told me that if I were pregnant that it would have shown up by now. (i have heard of many women being pregnant and getting neg. results!) She prescribed me some meds to take so i would start my period…… but i didn’t take it. I decided to see a second doctor.
    Well, my app. is tomorrow……. and i think i started my period today! I’ve had slight cramps for two days, and now, ( after i pee) i have this light pink stuff on the tissue. this has never happened before. I usually just start all at once. I don’t know what to do. Is there still a possibility that i’m pregnant?…… or having a miscarrage?…… or just having a super late, weird period?


    Well if there is a chance that you are pregnant then that means you have been sexually active…when you are sexually active you put yourself at risk for STD’s…have you been checked for some kind of infection…..have your eating habbits changed in the last few months….stress…..other women around you can affect your cycle also….well I hope you find out soon…I know what it is like to have your body do strange things and not know why…let us know….Meg


    if you were pregnant, it WOULD have shown at the doctors, especially by a bloodtest. chances of them being wrong arent very strong. If you had had a miscarriage recently, because the hgc levels would still be high, you will show a positive. Do you have an irregular cycle? It could be stress, lack of iron, or just a totally different thing. go to ur appt and see


    Hi,i’m also 2 and a half months late,show all signs of being preg,last week i had a fight with my bf,then in the morning there was blood on my pjs,nt too much though,i am tired,short tempered,morning sickness,slight headache,severe cramps,took home preg test,came back neg,i cant bring myself to go the doc,i’ve through soo much in the past,I have a friend who found out on her due day that she was preg,the doc said the baby was hidden somewhere in the kidney,and she did nt show,no big tummy,only morning sickness,she went for an ultrasound they could nt see a thing,:unsure:

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