i really want a baby

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    Ever since I lost my baby 11 weeks into my pregnancy last year ive just wanted to have a baby. Me and my bf have been together just under a year and we have talke about it I dont know if he feels the same he says he does so I believe him. Im going into year 10 now and im comin up to my 15th birthday soon. I really dont know what to do i want a baby but if I do I will get kicked out or made to abort it by my parents. Im really confused!!! 🙁


    I’m sorry to hear about your loss but know how you feel, i lost a baby at 4 weeks but we were trying to get pregnant. I’m only 18 and have a 21 month old son i was the same age as you when i had him and couldn’t afford much so my parents had to buy some things. Loosing a baby does make you feel you want another so bad but at your age you should really wait, it’s no fun and you won’t be able to do the things you do now you won’t have that freedom. Think about what your mom would do, i have my own place now so having another won’t affect my parents as much as it would if i was still living at home. Think about your bf does he really want a baby at his age?


    Please wait until youre older, and let yourself experience your HS years an have fun. I had my son who I love to death, but trust me it was very hard.


    i suggest u wait till u r older and know what u r getting urself into..

    wht do u think could be the real reason u wanting a baby apart from losing ur first pregnancy?


    apart from losing my baby, helpin look after my sister at 8 years old and now helpin to look after my bf’s baby sister it really dont help and i just keep thinkin that, that could of been me with a baby and now i just want a baby of my own. his mum, my mum, his sister and my sister as well as my bf all say im really good with babies and i suppose thats whats just made me want one even more. i know havin a baby aint just pushin prams and changin nappies its more comitiment and im ready to look after a baby. i dont go out much as it is so tbh it really would not bother me if i dint go out cuz of the baby. well lately me and my bf have been talkin and he aint really that bothered by it, ovibiously he will stand by me but he said if im happy then he is more than happy to have a baby. i just dont know what to do tbh!! but thankz for all the advice xxx


    Hello my names anna.I am now 22 yrs old.When i was 16 I had lost my 1st son.ALEX I was 19 wks I just turned 16.Me and my now husband found out or lil boy was dead the day after my 16th birthday.I remeber all i wanted was a child to hold it wasn’t fair.We tryed again 11 months later I got pregnant again my son travis was born dec 9th 2005.He is now 4.I will tell you trying to complete high school is hard with a child even if the other parent is there.I love my son more than anything but there is so much I wasnt sure of my father kicked me out when I got pregnant with him.My step mom called me aweful names.I lost alot of my friends because I wasnt “fun” anymore cuz I just couldnt drop what i was doing to go join them.I had a child to think of ya know.Wait sweety its hard I know it hurts but when the time is right it will happen again if you need anyone i am here.

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