I’m to old to be this lost. I’m 33 and recently divorced with an 8 year old child. I fell in love with a new man that lives 1000 miles away from me. We have only been dating since the beginning of May. June 3rd he came into town again for the weekend. This was the first time we had sex. We used VCF as birth control. Those are the little strips of spermacide you put near your cerviks. Now I discover that I’m pregnant. I’m freaking out. He’s freaking out.
The good news is that he’s the kind of man that will step up to the plate. The bad news is, I got laid off from my job in February and dangerously close to losing my house. I have no insurance. We are both very depressed and are in different states right now. Looks like I may have to move, since he’s the one with the job.
I am having a very hard time coping with this. I sleep all day. I can’t eat a thing. This is the second day I have spent in my bed. Adoption and abortion are not options for me, but at the same time… I don’t want to be pregnant. I can’t do this again. I’m to old to be this stupid.
Someone please help me.