i needd sum advice please!!

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    i slowly packed my stuff at my friends house..and then that night (jan 11) i called and told them i was in new york wit some of my girl which i wasnt and my dad knew i was wit my bf and now they r ok wit it but they want me to come home wendnesday n i dont want to leave im 16 my bfs 17..my names carolina.,..nice to meet u =) currently im in edmonton alberta living with my bf but my family and everyone is in toronto ontario about a 4 hour plane flight. my bf moved here about two months ago cuz of his dads job im workin here n i wana stay here but i duno wut my parents can do if i dont go bak. or wut they will do or wut i shud do im really confused. i get paid really good money here n my bf also works here ($12 & $16 an hour)..im the receptionist..i slowly packed my stuff at my friends house..and then that night i called and told them i was in new york wit some of my girl which i wasnt and my dad knew i was wit my bf and now they r ok wit it but they want me to come home wendnesday n i dont want to leave


    hey!! at the end of the day your family is going to support you in what ever decision you make!!

    but i understand that its not that easy!! i think if your truly happy there then stay!!why not ASK for their permission to stay there untill you have money and that, and then maybe divid your time between both places??

    like holidays at home with your family?? i hope this is ok and helps you??:S



    I think you should stay there with him because everything is going good with were you are. If you went back home with your parents who is to say you will get a good job like you have there. my boyfriend does not get to see his child that often because his baby mother stays so far away and it upset him so much.


    Hello Carolina,

    I think you just tell your parents that you are doing fine in Edmonton and at the very least you are working and not on the welfare system or unemployment. That takes the worries off from them,knowing that you are doing fine with your life and independent.

    All parents want is to make sure that you are safe and happy.

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