I need your help please!!

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    Hi my name is Emilie, I’m 18, and me and my fiance decided to have a baby. We’re planning on conceiving now.
    He already has a job as a cook (he’s 22). When it comes to me, I just graduated, so I don’t have any diplomas from any university.
    I don’t know if my fiance’s salary will be enough so just to be on the safe side, I’d like to work.
    Do you girls have any ideas on what I could work as? What I could do even for a little money?
    Your personal experiences could really help me.
    Thank you very much in advance!
    Emilie :cheer:


    Hi Emilie, I like the spelling of your name..:), anyways have you and your fiance discussed having your wedding before getting pregnant? I had two kids before I got married and it was kind of difficult planning my wedding with kids and lining up child care and such…I mean if you two are already engaged why not just go the extra mile and plan your wedding before your pregnancy? Just a thought..Love Meg


    Hi Meg πŸ™‚
    Lol thank you, it’s a french spelling hehe πŸ˜›
    Well yes, we have thought of it, and will do it asap. So we’ll get married during my pregnancy.

    Do you have any idea about the types of jobs I could do during my pregnancy?

    Thank you for your help,


    Well it depends on where you live, what you like to do and how your pregnancy goes, I work from home so I can be with my kids, I have had friends who worked out of the home during their pregnancies and have found it difficult and some of them found it easy…so really it just depends…where do you live?


    Oh alright. I currently live in the Sultanate of Oman. It’s on the eastern side of Saudi Arabia. But don’t get me wrong, it is a lovely country, free, peaceful, and life overthere is really great for a family. I’ve lived here over 7 years πŸ™‚

    You work at home? What job do you do?



    So you live in SA but are you and your fiance held to the same living standards? Can you two face trouble for living together and or having a child out of wedlock? Just curious, I don’t want to see you face difficulty from your culture…well I sell housewares in the format of cooking shows, I go to peoples houses and demonstrate a recipe with the products I sell, its a ton of fun, there are so many things you can do from home, cleaning services, sewing, catalog businesses, medical transcriptions…etc, where did you live before your current place?


    hi. like meg said awesome spelling of your name.
    anyway an idea could be an in home daycare, depending on your country’s laws it could be kinda simple, probably not so much for the during the pregnancy but for the after birth part. again i dont know about ur countrys laws but ive heard of women being hair dressers who have no problems while pregnant. and secretary jobs are easy on the body as long as you dont get stressed out too easily.
    just some ideas πŸ™‚


    No I live in Oman, it’s the country right on top of Yemen. Before that, I lived 5 years in France. and before than, In Oman again, and before that, well… I was born in Holland πŸ˜›
    Thank you for all ideas for working at home. I’ll take them all under consideration.
    Well, that’s the thing, if we want a baby, we have to get married now. that is, we have to get married before having the baby, if we decide to live here in Oman.
    Now we have different options. We can live here in Oman, in this case we HAVE to get married now. Although we could do it in the french embassy here it would take about a month or two.
    Or if we decide to fly to Peru, then we don’t have to. Although I’m not quite sure about Peru.

    And the third option is, that we go to the UK. He might be getting a job there soon. So it’s really blurry at the moment.
    But I do know that no matter where we go, we’ll have enough for a living. I just think it’s better if i start working too. More money is never a bad thing πŸ˜‰

    Do you think an online course is a good idea during pregnancy?


    Hey πŸ™‚
    Thank you very much for your ideas, they are really helpful!! πŸ™‚
    For hairdresser, is it possible to learn on the spot and a salon, or do i need a course?



    in america you go to hair dressing school for like 6 or 9 months i think and then you get ur license but im not sure about other countrys. i know back in the old day you just did an apprentice ship.
    online college during pregnancy probably wouldnt be too bad as long as your a naturaly calm person, stress is bad for you and the baby.


    emilie i added you as a friend but in order to talk outside the forums you have to go to applications and add the wall app.


    You could be a waitress at a restaraunt or a bar probably, an assistant at a business office… perhaps sell Mary Kay if they have that business where you live. Or get hired at a retail sales place like Fossil or something….unless you have different shops where you live :blink:

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