I need someone’s opinion

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    Hi everyone I wanted to ask a simple question.. Lemme start I started the pill about a month ago. Soon afterwards I made the decision to get off them. After taking like 3 (and not in a row) me and my boyfriend have sex on a daily basis and about 8 days after I stopped taking the pill I bled this bright red blood for about 3 days with absolutely no pain at all. Lately I’ve been feeling irritable, really nauseated, I’ve had back aches, heartburn, lightheadedness and my boobs feel heavier.. also I’m late. I have ovulated since that short "period" I think.. I just wanted to know if there’s a reason for me to worry, rather than it be all in my head and run out buying test.. Thank you very much for any help! :laugh: (P.S Sorry this is soo long)


    the only way you are going to know for sure is to take a test. sounds like pregnancy symptoms to me. but take a test to rest your mind then you’ll know


    If I were you, I would definitely go buy a test just to be sure. That bright red blood could have been implantation. Good luck!


    Hey everybody just thought I’d give a little update. I tested today and got a very faint positive response. Really light.. I didn’t even see it at first. I don’t know what to think about it. Can someone tell me what that means?


    A faint positive can mean just as much as a bold one. I would wait a few days and re- test but I have only gotten faint lines with both of my pregnancies. One thing that puts my mind at ease is to buy a digital test and get the "pregnant" or "not pregnant" spelled out for me. Good luck!


    more than likely your pregnant. but it may still be too early to tell. wait a week or two and retest to be double sure. or better yet go get a blood test after all that will be the most accurate. good luck!


    it could be that you are just very early so the pregnancy hormone isnt very strong. take another one as soon as you wake up, before drinking because that is when the concentration is highest, or wait about a week and test again. my line was light, and then a few days later it was more prominent! BEST OF LUCK


    you sare more than likely pregnant!best of luck x


    It sounds like you are pregnant you should go buy a test or go see your doctor for a blood test


    You might be having a baby, but you could go have a blood test done, that would def. let you know if you really are or not. My friend told me that blood tests are more acurete and can tell earlier. or wait a week or so an buy another test. 🙂


    even a faint line means postive unless you did the test wrong i would do another one n go see the doc but it sounds like your going to have a baby keep us posted n good luck


    Hey everyone just leaving a little update.. I took another test today and it came up instantly with a dark positive result! So the test says I’m pregnant!


    Hi u might not know me but im Eliezer im lisa’s boyfriend u may have heard about our pregnancy well i just wanted to say although im scared out of my mind im goin to be there the whole time.;)


    Wow! Congrats!:laugh:


    First, if you do not want to be pregnant…then why would you stop taking the pill or using some form of contraceptive? I think you should go in to the doctor’s and see for sure. You never know, you could be pregnant or something could be wrong with your body trying to adjust to the extra hormones then loss of them.


    Hey everyone I took a test with an office called BirthRight and I got the results. It was positive! Thanks to everyone for all the advice me and my bf are very excited and trying very hard to get our life situated before the baby. I made an appointment for the 1st of August and can’t wait.. Any support and advice will be greatly appreciated.


    honestly the best way to know is to get a blood test, It will tell you the truth no if, ands, or buts. A faint poisitive could mean you’re pregnant but a blood test done by professionals is never wrong. So my advice would be to see a doctor ^_^

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