I need some help..

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      I had sex for the first time in May. I had a period May 19-24. June I had a period starting the 20th-24th. July I had a period 29th-Aug9th or so. And then Aug31st-Sept3rd. Each of these periods since I had sex have been lighter than usual, & lasting about the same amount of time, except the one end of July first of August. I feel like I have gained a pound or 2. But I’m not real sure what to think.. What do yall think?? Could I still be pregnant?? We used t condom every time we had sex. Which was only about once a month. & my boyfriend said it didn’t break any of the times. PLEASE HELP ME!



        Even though they were light, since you have been having monthly periods on a roughly regular bases I would guess that you are not pregnant. However I would take a pregnancy test just to find out for sure. Have you talked to your boyfriend about whether he would be there to support you and your baby if you did become pregnant? You can take or leave this advice but before continuing a sexual relationship I would make sure that your bf will be willing to be supportive and responsivle in facing the consequenses of mutual sexual actions. Best wishes.

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