i need some advice..

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    i just turned 15 and i found out that i am about 12 weeks pregnant..my parents know and they are pretty upset about the whole situation and my boyfriend is 17 and he is really considerate about the whole thing..nobody wants me to get an abortion and i never was going to anyways so i just really need to talk to someone because it is driving me crazy:( 🙁

    Callie Rene


    what is driving you crazy?….it sounds like u don’t have a prob with ppl trying to force u into something u don’t want….
    if u need to talk u can email me……


    well callie Im sorry that you have to go through such a difficult change in your life so young. I hope I dont hurt you by saying this but if you are having sex there is a chance you can get pregnant. I think you probably knew that and now you will have to learn the hard way that it was true. Now with that out of the way I am so glad that you are choosing life I know you wont regret it. I have 2 children and never in a million years do I wish to have made a diffeent decision. Being a mommy will change your whole life if you let it. Some girls dont take the responsibility just like some guys dont as well but from the way you phrase things Im pretty sure that you realize the reality of what will take place from here on out. I know that you are still young but are you and your boyfriend discussing marriage?? Giving this child a loving home is so important so my encouragement to you is to get married if all is well with your boyfriend and your parents consent. And if not that you would not continue on this same path. There is so much waiting for you at the end of this pregnany whether it be more school or just being a mom, but please now that you have found yourself in this difficult place wait untill you are married to continue with being sexually active. It only caused heartache and pain in my past. I wish and hope Gods best for you and your family. May you find all of the wisdom you need from here on out. If you need to talk just leave a post on my page..I’ll be praying for you sweetie…Love Meg

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