i need help….

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  • #9207

    im new up here i was wonderin if anyone could gimme sum advice…im 17 and think im pregnant? one of the reasons i say this is beacause 1…my period is three days late when it usually comes right on time and i know we(me and my man) had sex around the 22nd of august and it was unprotected…and i love him so i didnt make a big deal out of it now im scared because my stomach has been crampin up and im really tired…a couple of days ago my boobs were hurtin but they dont right now…my friend says that i should wait a week or 2 before takin a pregnancy test and i dunno what to do…im kinda scared?



    If you had unprotected sex, then there is a possibility that you could be pregnant. If you had sex more than two weeks ago and you have already missed your expected period most home tests should be able to detect if you are pregnant. I would take a test to find out. If the test is negative and you still haven’t started in a couple of weeks I would take the test again and/or see your doctor to determine if you are pregnant or if there is another reason your cycle is off. Have you talked to your boyfriend and told him you think you might be pregnant? Do you think he will be supportive you and his child if you are pregnant?

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