I need help

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      Please, I need help!

      I can’t cope with this pain I feel everyday. I had an abortion after I got pregnant at 18. I was really sick and barely ate anything from day one. After 8 weeks I couldn’t lift my head anymore and had to have an abortion.

      it drained me of everything…

      Even now I’m paying with my life. How do I cope? Please can someone tell me this will go away. I need it to go away but it wont.

      The memory of laying in the hospital bed, surrounded by other women haunts me every night when I close my eyes.

      Please, I need help.


        it will be all right..now that you have realized what you have done…just be positive now and think of the future..make the right choices from now on and never make the same mistakes again…i know that you can do it..


          I understand how upset you feel. When I was 15 I had an abortion and it killed me everyday. It took me about 2 years to begin to feel better ; although the thoughts never totally go away. My ex made me get the abortion… so I moved on .. found the love of my life and now I am pregnant. You have to do good things for yourself in order to move past it. Though it will never fully go away … you should use it as a stepping stone to make things better 🙂 It sounds corny but it really does work 🙂

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