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    I’ve come to find out that I am in a very hard situation. My boyfriend and I have been together 2 1/2 years and I just recently found out I was pregnant again. Before I became pregnant we had talked about it and decided it was time to start a family. (I am 22 he’s 23)

    The thing is, In March of last year I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and it was decided from the time I was first pregnant with her that we would do adoption, neither of us was ready for a child, and we think we gave her the best life possible at the time being. 5 months after her birth I found out I was pregnant again, and even though I didn’t want to go through with it, I had an abortion, partly because my boyfriend forced me into it.

    And now that I am pregnant again, he has abruptly changed his mind and does not want a child. We recently just moved into our own house together, we were staying with his parents before, and he is telling me that if I do not get an abortion that he wants me to move out immediately.(only his name is on the lease)

    I am completely torn between what to do. Under no circumstance do I want to have an abortion, but my entire life is here and I don’t know what I would do when I choose to leave. I think I’ve already gone through enough hurt with an adoption and abortion already, and he doesn’t see it that way.


    big hug – poor you , you are being put in the most awfull position possible. the first thing is as much as you love your boyfriend and time you have been with him, anyone who puts you in this kind of position is treating you incredibly badly, and maybe you already know it, but maybe you should leave him. Even if you did get this abortion, what happens if you fall pregnant again? Will he never want children, while you know you do. Or will he start blaming you for aborting his child. these are all questions you need to think about. It really sounds like you do not want to give up this child and though it will be hard work , you know the best for yourself and your child. Is there any chance you can move back in with your parents ? If his parents knew about what he was forcing you to do I cannot imagine they would agree on what he is making you do. I would really think hard because even if you stayed and had the abortion , it doesnt mean your life will get any better…


    Wow u are soooooo strong an i admire that. . . . . .
    If i was u i would keep this baby, ur partner will either warm up to this or not bu this is a choice u need to make, do u really want to end this babies life because of ur partner, please dont depend on him if u do then wen somthin happens ur opinion or what u want will never matter to him cuz uv given up sooooo much for him.

    If this man loves you he will come back if he does kick u out on the street do u really want to be with him???

    This is YOUR baby, an this unborn child depends on you for everything…

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