am goin through such a hard time and ia ma so confuse,i think am pregnant but at the same time i dont think,i havent miss my period infact i was on birth control but i started to feel rreally sick and i stopped!!!!!my brest hurt and i have the urge to use the bathroom several times a day,my bladder hurts if i dont use the bathroon often and i feel like throwing up i dont knoe ehat to think i got a pregnacy test and it was negative??am so confuse!!!!!!!:blush: :blush:
Gurl don’t even worry about it i feel like that all the time i always think that im pregant and then i end up not being. Just take a pregnacy test to make sure and if it says negative just wait for your period and if that doesnt come you should go to the clinic
Pregnancy tests are reasonably accurate but I can understand why you’d want to be 110% sure! The best thing to do is follow up the test with a sonogram, either with your regular ob/gyn or at a crisis pregnancy clinic. If there’s a baby in there, they’ll see it.
Also: don’t rely on your period as an indicator. It’s fairly common for women to experience "spotting" during pregnancy, and it can be heavy enough to look like a period.
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