I need advice!! Badly..

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      So I’m 17 and I turn 18 in September..
      I recently found out that I am about 7 weeks pregnant and due Feburary 7th 2009.
      I almost got an abortion but from the help of my boyfriend of a year we have decided to keep it..
      But I’m going to have to tell my parents of course.
      And I was wondering if people can share their experiences with me..the good and the bad..about telling their parents. And possibly give me some advice on how to tell them.
      And by the way..my parents aren’t very nice and accepting of situations like this.
      They are the type of parents who explode everything and will tell me how I ruined everything and stuff like that.
      I have bad guilt and anxiety issues and won’t be able to deal with that stuff lightly.
      Clinics have told me to apologize to my parents on how ‘I really messed up’.
      But I won’t because I don’t think I should say I’m sorry for creating a life.
      I was thinking about just telling them after I turn 18..
      but by then I would be about 5 months.



        It’s important to tell them as soon as possible so that you can get the help you need and the best possible prenatal care ASAP. My parents are JUST like that, and I’m only 14. 🙂 They threatened to kick me out if I got an abortion… but I refused. I wasn’t going to kill a life that was created inside of me. My boyfriend and I had broken up by now for a month, and after I told him he didn’t call or try to keep in touch or anything! I felt terrified. But my parents came through after we saw the first ultrasound. I’m about 10 weeks along, and the baby is very healthy. My parents are both extremely excited. A couple days ago the father’s family came over and we all talked. I talked with him about why I was angry with him, etc. He was terrified- but he came through. Now he calls me every day and checks up on me. Things worked out for me, and they will for you, too. God gave you life for a reason!


          well i dont know your parents but from what i see its going to be a hard thing to do. But i think you shouldnt have to appoligize for "messing up" thats so wrong.. you didnt "mess up" it happens. Explain to them that it happens and thst you are keeping it. But be careful to not start an argument.. have them sit down and explain to them. If it helps have your boyfriend there to help you. I think you will be ok. And i hope your parents will be understanding. You didnt ruin your life, i hate when people say that. When i told my parents they were shocked but helpful they took me to my doctors to get information but my best friend told me i ruined my life and that im an idiot for not getting an abortion then she went so far as to write a note about how im the worst person in the world which i find is soo stupid but whatever haha you just have to realize that yes this is a big thing in life but your young and yes it’ll be hard but you can still make it through haha i hope it works out with your parents they will probably be mad at first but just let them come around! i hope it works


            hi, my name is anna. i got pregnant when i was 16. i found out dec. 21st 06, 8 days before my 17th birthday. my boyfriend and i told his parents first because we knew out of both our parents, they would be the easiest. so on christmas we told them. there are no words to describe how scared we both were! his parents reacted calmly and told us they suported us in keeping the baby. they were awesome. i also told my sisters who were very emotional and dissapointed, but showered me in nothing but support. my parents on the other hand were a little different. my father is a pastor… so that should say everything… but on my birthday my sisters finally convinced me to tell my parents. my sisters were awesome with there support and gathered my parents into the living room. after minutes if silence, because i couldnt bring my self to say the words i bursted out in tears and said "im pregnant. im soooo sorry!" my parents reactions startled me. my mom ran in to her room crying, but my dad got on his knee and just hugged me. it was the best feeling in the world to know that even tho i messed up he still loved me, i was still his baby girl. after a while he got up kissed me and went by my mom, who was beside herself. he also comforted her, and they came out together holding hands. she came by me, held my face and said "i love you anna". they werent mad at me, just dissapointed. but they LOVE, there first grandson! and they knew it was just Gods plan for my life. you shouldnt feel sorry for bringing a life into the world, however i think its natural to feel sorry when you have dissapointed people you love. but remember everything that happens, happens for a reason. i hope everything goes well for you!

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